Getting Essentials to Essential Workers: Farm Workers image

Getting Essentials to Essential Workers: Farm Workers

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We are fundraising to provide essentials for farm workers

Food Empowerment Project (F.E.P.) has been in touch with the farm worker organizations that we work with on the school supply drive to determine what farm workers need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We were told they need food and school supplies as their children are at home doing schoolwork. F.E.P. was able to use leftover school supplies we had from last year’s school supply drive, and we were able to help over a dozen families.

We have been trying to figure out how to get food to the farm workers, but as you all know, the ones we work with are undocumented and we need to protect their safety.

You can learn more in my blog We Are All Connected.

Our plan right now is to get food to farm workers in Sonoma County, nearby counties, and the Central Valley in California.

A call has also been made from North Carolina for some basic equipment such as masks and goggles for farm workers there, and we would like to answer that call as well.

We are asking you to donate to help us get food and necessary supplies to the farm workers.

If you want to send a check, please make sure you note “COVID-19 farm workers” on it so that it is restricted to this effort.

This is not being done in lieu of our annual school supply drive for the children of farm workers. We do still plan to figure out how to do that this year as well.

We are a small organization and are just trying to do our small part to help the farm workers we work with and thank them. We are also so thankful for of those organizations that do so much for farm workers around the country.

As always, F.E.P. is asking for you to help us thank farm workers for feeding us. We do not see this as an act of charity but as trying to right an additional injustice taking place against them. Farm workers have always been the ones planting, growing, and harvesting our food, and in doing so putting they have always put health on the line, but now it is more critical than ever that we give back.

Photo Credit: Carlos Chavarría